Amazing Easy Card Tricks

Publié le par Carlos Armstrong

Copy Me And Do What I Do

This simple trick offers more fun because it maximizes the interactions between you and your players. The hearty gamblers learn how to earn more money when betting on the results of the game. This trick requires two decks of cards.

It has many opportunities to add in a bit of comedy. The ending of this trick surprises everyone and the inherent buildup of suspense and surprise will thrill and delight your crowd beyond measure. Once the trick is over- there is nothing to discover because the secret is long gone, and the other players will be left scratching their heads.

A Spelling Bee Anyone?

These simple amazing magic tricks allow you to use a packet of cards containing the ace through the king of a single suit. In this one I will describe here– you simply spell the name of each card–ace, two, three, four…etc.. as you reveal these cards in order. The kick to this one is that you are placing another card in between each one as you draw them in front of their eyes. Each time you simply place the in-between cards under the pile. It is actually more of a mathematical stunt than a magic trick, but your audience doesn’t have to know.

Predicting Impossibility

For this one you need a prop in addition to your deck of cards. All you do is lay an envelope down on the table.

Tell your crowd that it contains a prediction written on a piece of paper inside of it. Bring out your deck of cards showing them all to be different from each other, and ask a spectator to name a numbered card. Based on the freely named numbered card, you choose this number from your deck. Now your audience gets to open the envelope and find inside the same exact number that was just freely selected. Wow!

If you want to find a new way to make people laugh, amaze them in a manner that allows you to enjoy the baffled looks on people's faces, then you really do want to learn more of these amazing easy card tricks.

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